Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why You Should Use a Bionaire Steam Mop

!9# Why You Should Use a Bionaire Steam Mop

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When one is deciding what type of steam mop to use, the choices can be overwhelming because there are so many on the market these days. There are mops that are specialized for certain floors, such as tile or wood flooring only. Then, there are mops that are versatile and can be used on any type of flooring.

There are also mops that need their heads changed regularly, like the Swiffer mops, and there are the old stand-by mops that never need changing, just replacing. The customer's personal preference is the thing that makes the decision when they are standing in the grocery cleaning aisle wondering which one to pick. A mop to consider is the Bionaire Steam Mop because it has several features that many mop users look for in their mops.

Obviously, it utilizes steam to clean the floors, like other steam mops, but it also makes the claim that it is environmentally friendly. This claim appears to be true because the Bionaire Steam Mop does not use any chemicals or detergents to clean the floors. It just uses heat and water to clean all the hard surfaces in a house. It is important to note that this mop is not intended for use on a carpeted area.

It has a triangular head which allows for it to clean in the corners and tight spaces of a home easily, which eliminates the need for the owner to get on their hands and knees to scrub those stubborn spots with warm water and soap. This head and base also allows for the mop to be moved easily and maneuvered around furniture which is too heavy to lift, like a sofa or dining table. Because it is safe to use on all hard surfaces, it can be the answer to the dilemma of what the home owner will use on the tile in the kitchen, the wood floors in the dining room, and the linoleum in the bathrooms.

This mop has a 1500 watt heating core which generates a heated stream of water as soon as the mop is turned on and is being used. The heating core heats the water that is contained in the water tank of the mop, which is easily filled, either by the sink faucet or by pouring water into it from another source, like a pitcher or cup. The tank also has a funnel and filter system, which helps aid the cleaning process of the floors.

The filter catches most of the dirt that is taken from the floor and the funnel helps propel the water through the tank and into the head of the mop when it is being used. It also comes with 2 microfiber pads, which have are washable and useful in the cleaning of other household items.

Regardless of the mop which is finally decided upon, the Bionaire Steam Mop is one of the best ones on the market. Not only is it sleek, stylish, and easy to move, it does not weigh a lot, making it that much easier to move around the house.

Why You Should Use a Bionaire Steam Mop

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

3 Benefits of Non-Electric Carpet Sweepers

!9# 3 Benefits of Non-Electric Carpet Sweepers

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Thereis one item that is consistent with every individual and business owner that has carpet; it needs cleaning! It would be great if there was a "self cleaning" carpet just like an oven, unfortunately carpets need cleaning and they need to be cleaned on a regular basis. The challenge for both residential homes and commercial buildings is getting carpets cleaned efficiently and without spending thousands of dollars on cleaning equipment. After all who wants to waste countless hours cleaning their carpets each week?

When you are considering a non-electric carpet sweeper there are many different aspects to explore. You have the opportunity to evaluate everything from specific features to the brand of carpet sweeper. While a detailed list of sweeper features, benefits, and price comparisons might have 50 different points to evaluate we invite you to consider these three items to help you decide which sweeper is best for your goals.

Noise - When you are considering an electric vacuum versus non-electric carpet sweeper one of the items to consider is the amount of noise. If you have customers coming in to a place of business throughout the day you may not want to disturb them with a noisy machine. Even the quietest electric vacuums can be disturbing to someone when they are looking to make a purchase in a product or service. Non-electric carpet sweepers are extremely quiet as there mechanics are powerfully simply cleaning up dirt and dust with just your own power. Speed - There are times when someone spills crumbs, popcorn or spills paper shads and you just want to get them up quickly. Getting out a bulky vacuum, plugging it in, and finding the right attachment can waste valuable time. A non-electric carpet sweeper can be easily stored, grabbed quickly, and can clean up that mess that is driving you nuts. In just minutes you can clean up a mess that could have taken you over 15 minutes with a traditional vacuum. Cleaning Space - What area do you need to clean? Is it a tight space? Is a long haul way? A non-electric carpet sweeper allows you to clean tight spaces and even long haul ways easily. With a low profile and wide cleaning surface you can get your surface area cleaned easily.

When considering a non-electric carpet sweeper for your cleaning needs consider the benefits of being quiet, cleaning quickly, and how it can clean in tight spaces. With these powerful features in mind you will be able to decide if a sweeper is better for your goals than a traditional vacuum.

Discover more today about Hoky Floor sweepers to see which one is right for you.

3 Benefits of Non-Electric Carpet Sweepers

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